How To Add Alternate Shipping Address When Using Pay Pal Or Your Credit Card

When using your credit card at Pay Pal, add a different shipping address before completing checkout.

Alternate Shipping




When paying with your pay Pal Account-

 Paypal orders can be shipped to an address that is different from the billing address, the address you’d like to use must be saved in your Paypal account before purchase.

PayPal lets you pay for online purchases, and many online merchants support the service. When you pay for an order, PayPal asks for the shipping address where you want the merchant to send your order. Although your home address is the default, you can add alternative addresses for yourself or for gifts sent to other people. PayPal also lets you associate credit cards with your own alternative shipping addresses.

1. Log in to your PayPal account. Place your mouse’s cursor over the “Profile” menu, then click “Add or Edit Street Address” on the list of options. This displays a list of your current shipping addresses.

2. Click the “Add Address” button at the bottom of the list of addresses. Click “Add My Address” to add an alternative address of your own or “Add a Gift Address” to add another person’s shipping address.

3. Type the street address, city and zip code in the proper boxes, then select the state from the drop-down list. If you created an alternative address for yourself, click the box next to any credit card you wish to associate with the address under “Associated Credit Cards.”

4. Click “Save” to finish adding the shipping address.